Since 1973 the dedication of Carlo Marelli, founder and owner of MAXPLA, has guided the company from the manufacture of the first injection mould, to the introduction, in 1985, of the more sophisticated computer engineering and numeric control machine systems.
In the following years mould injection production has been implemented using, from the beginning, the most advanced technopolymers as our technology target.
Starting in 2001 bi-component moulding was introduced in order to widen and complete the range.
In 2014 a daring operation of equipment modernization and reorganization of corporate functions was started, in order to face the challenges of an increasingly selective market.
Our vision
MAXPLA intends to outline its future, maintaining the technology process of polymers and superpolymers, focusing on technical items of great complexity, in order to capitalize on its long experience.
Our mission
MAXPLA prides itself on having a high level of customer fidelity. This result can only be achieved through an outstanding level of service and collaboration.
The loyalty and commitment of all our staff, some 60 employees, production on 3 shifts and a reliable network of suppliers, are the basis of this success.